Animal Cards. A Fun Family Action Game.

All activities must be supervised by an adult. This post may contain affiliate links.

This is a great rainy day idea! The perfect fun for the whole family! Kids love this kind of thing! They get to move and animate and they also get to have a laugh at their parents and one another!

Indoor days are long. Sometimes it is good to break things up with some Energy Busters like this one, something to get that blood circulating again!

You can use these cards in five different ways:

  1. Play who am I? Hand out the cards one at a time to the person whose turn it is. They have to then act out the animal on the card – with or without sound. It is the job of everyone else to guess – and laugh!
  2. The other option is to make animal sounds. Same as above, just with sounds only!
  3. The third option is to draw. You get a card when it is your turn. You then have to draw the animal on a new piece of paper! A test of your new drawing skills!
  4. You can also play a question game. Everyone has to ask you 1 question at a time until they guess what animal you are. For example, does it have wings or does it live in the water?
  5. If you have very young children you can show them the cards and ask them what animal is this? You can also play Let’s Pretend. Let’s pretend we are all fish… Let’s pretend we are all bees…

Download the free printable template here…

They print 10 on a page and there are 20 animal cards in total! You can always laminate them for long keeping, but my experience is a few rounds and everyone knows the animals!
